Jumat, 30 Januari 2009

A New Popular Sport

Game play in American football consists of a series of downs, individual plays of short duration, outside of which the ball is dead or not in play. These can be plays from scrimmage—passes, runs, punts, or field goal attempts—or free kicks such as kickoffs. Substitutions can be made between downs, which allows for a great deal of specialization as coaches choose the players best suited for each particular situation. During a play, each team should have no more than 11 players on the field, and each of them has specific tasks assigned for that specific play.
Offense team is contained by Quarter Back (QB), Running Back (RB), Wide Receiver (WR), Tight End (TE), Kicker, and Line Man (LM). The Quarter Back is a prime character for that play. He has task to start the game and pass the ball to the WR or give it to the RB. Beside that he also can bring it to end zone. The Running Back has task to bring the ball which he get from QB and bring it to end zone. The Wide Receiver must catch the passing ball from QB. The Line Man has task to hold the opponent’s defend team who want to make the pass failed. The Tight End has double task. He can receive/catch passing ball or help LM to hold the opponent. The Kicker has task to do kickoff and kick the ball to goal posts behind the opponent’s end zone.
Defense team is contained by Line Man (LM) and Line Back (LB). The Line Man has task like offense team. They must hold the opponent’s LM so another players can drop (sack) the QB and make the pass failed. The Line Back has task to prevent the RB and the WR in order that they can’t reach the end zone.
The object of the game is to score points by advancing the ball to the opponent's end zone for a six-point touchdown, to kick the ball through the goal posts for a three-point field goal, or to tackle an opposing ball carrier in their own end zone, a two-point safety. After scoring a touchdown a team may attempt a one-point "extra point," a close-range field-goal-type kick, or a "two-point conversion" in which the ball is advanced into the end zone on a single play instead of a kicked extra-point attempt. The match is contained in four quarter which each quarter contains 15 minutes. The team with the most points when time has expired wins.
The rumor from Rotterdam tell us that a Running Back who has high speed and skill, he will have a nickname. And the nickname is “Eyeshield 21”

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